March 10, 2024
Register to: Museums and Citizens: International Conference Explores Evolving Roles and Challenges Conference
The international conference “To Museums, Citizens! Museums and Citizens: Experiences, Concepts, and Challenges,” is organized by the Executive Board of ICOM in collaboration with Museus e Monumentos de Portugal.EPE. This event explores the vital relationship between museums and citizenship and is supported by ICOM Portugal, marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of democracy in Portugal.
Built upon the Faro Convention of 2005 on citizenship in cultural heritage defense and the recent redefinition of museums by ICOM, the conference addresses the evolving role of museums in promoting civic engagement and universal values. In an era marked by challenges like increasing barriers to free movement, climate change, and geopolitical tensions, museums are called upon to contemplate their role as civic promoters. This event serves as a platform to advocate for renewed community civic involvement.
The invited speakers from the Executive Board of ICOM will contribute to a diverse discourse.
Keynote Speeches:
- Emma Nardi explores the Enlightenment, citizenship, and the origin of National Museums.
- Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins discusses Cultural Heritage as the Common Good of Humanity.
Session Highlights:
- Museums and citizenship in times of uncertainty: Debates led by global experts on the challenges and transformative potential of museums in uncertain times.
- Museums as engines of education for democracy: Exploration of the role of museums in shaping democratic narratives and fostering active citizenship.
- Museums and citizen empowering: Insights into the impact of museums on citizens’ perceptions and experiences, promoting inclusivity and solidarity.
- Final Session – Museums in the face of the future: A forward-looking discussion on the role of museums in the evolving global landscape, addressing social technology, literature, public policies, and the intersection of art and activism.
How to participate: The conference is open to all interested parties, particularly museum professionals. On-site participation is free of charge, subject to room capacity. Streaming will also be available. Reservations must be made by email:
Registration Form:
Please send this form for registration to:
The conference will be recorded and subsequently available on the Museus e Monumentos de Portugal website.
Download the full programme.