Word from the President

A new board of ICOM Europe has been elected during the General Conference of ICOM held in Milan, July 2016 and hopefully a new era begins in our activities. Our election occurred when the statutes of ICOM have been revised in a way that the role of Regional Alliances inside ICOM is to be developed and new responsibilities are to expectable to occur – something symbolically expressed in the fact that for the first time right for voting in General Assemblies is given to these regional levels of assembling.

In these auspicious circumstances let me firstly express my most sincere pleasure in addressing you as newly elected President of our Regional Alliance, ICOM Europe. As you known, when running for the presidency, I’ve exposed in due time a proposal for future activities. Immediately after our election, the executive board met, still in Milan, and a final plan of activities has been approved.

In this site we present the summary of our plan of activities. We will also give place to the dissemination of activities promoted by all European National Committees of ICOM as for ICOM in general.

Besides the activities previewed in our plan, we are also open, in fact we are willing to consider any other proposals. So, please do not hesitate in contacting us whenever you consider to have an idea for any other activity (conference, seminar, training action, etc, etc.). Me and our entire board, we will consider all proposals carefully, especially when the proponent National Committee is in conditions to actively contribute for its implementation. We have to remember that Regional Alliance in ICOM are just platforms to allow for better and more efficient cooperation between National Committees, and to promote their activities and knowledge upon other regions. So, ICOM Europe will of course basically be what European National Committees want and expect it to be.

Luís Raposo

