Conference theme

Heritage Resilience: Safeguarding Cultural Legacy in Crisis Zones

The theme of the ICOM Europe 2024 Conference focuses on the resilience of heritage and the critical need to protect cultural legacy in crisis zones. This theme underscores the significance of preserving cultural heritage amidst conflicts and disasters, recognizing that heritage is often targeted in warfare to erase identities and disrupt communities.

The conference will gather global experts to explore broader issues related to heritage protection under threat. We will examine best practices, roles of various entities, and strategies to prevent the intentional destruction of cultural assets. This event provides a platform for best practice exchange, addressing complex issues, and fostering international collaboration.

Relevance and Context:

This conference is particularly relevant given the significant challenges faced in heritage protection both globally and within Georgia. The conflicts, such as those in Abkhazia (Western Georgia) and South Ossetia (Samachablo), have resulted in substantial cultural losses, highlighting the urgent need for resilient heritage protection mechanisms. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and other countries has further underscored the vulnerability of cultural heritage in crisis zones, drawing international attention to these pressing issues.

The deliberate destruction of cultural heritage remains a common tactic in warfare, aimed at erasing identities and disrupting communities. This conference seeks to address these critical issues by re-evaluating and redefining the roles of governmental and non-governmental entities in heritage protection, in alignment with international conventions. By examining recent instances of heritage destruction and other global occurrences, the conference aims to underscore the importance of implementing the principles of the 1954 Hague Convention.

Conference Themes:

  • Best Practices in Heritage Protection: Ad hoc solutions, innovations, and case studies in safeguarding cultural heritage during crises.
  • Challenges and Complexities: Navigating the multifaceted issues of heritage preservation in conflict zones, including legal constraints and safe storage solutions.
  • Role of Entities in Heritage Protection: Exploring the collaboration between governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • Role of Communications: The dynamic roles of communications, community empowerment, and marketing during crises and in conflict zones.

Conference Objectives:

  • Enhance global understanding of the complexities in protecting cultural heritage in crisis situations.
  • Share best practices and innovative approaches to heritage protection.
  • Foster international collaboration and strengthen networks among heritage professionals and organizations.
  • Advocate for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and other international frameworks for heritage protection.

We welcome paper submissions from professionals, scholars, and practitioners engaged in the protection of cultural heritage in crisis situations. Your insights and contributions will be invaluable in fostering a collaborative approach to safeguarding our shared cultural legacy.