

International Council of Museums Europe Alliance

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September 2, 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of the ICOM Regional Alliances Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the ICOM Regional Alliances
Location: Musée de la Vieille Charité, Marseille
Date: June 12, 2024
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

The meeting began at 6:15 p.m.


  • ICOM Europe: Giuliana Ericani (Chair), Juliette Raoul-Duval (Vice-Chair), Alexandre Chevalier (Treasurer), Lana Karaia, Elke Kellner
  • ICOM Africa: Jean-Paul Koudougou (Chair)
  • ICOM NORD: Eero Ehanti (Chair), Minna Turtiainen (Chair of ICOM Finland)
  • ICOM SEE: Alenka Černelič Krošelj (Chair), Urška Purg (Secretary)
  • ICOM ASPAC: Laishun AN (Chair), Hanze Song
  • Online Participation: Mr. Gonzales (Delegate of ICOM LAC, briefly)
  • Absent: Ech-Cherki DAHMALI (Chair of ICOM Arab)

Agenda Overview:

Giuliana Ericani, who organized the meeting, presented the agenda. She highlighted the key features of Regional Alliances (RAs) as defined by the ICOM Bylaws. A particular concern raised was the fact that some National Committees in Europe and Africa are part of two alliances, which gives them disproportionate representation in general voting. This issue, however, stems from ICOM’s broader rules, not the alliances themselves. Ericani also mentioned the ongoing work by the Working Group on Statutory Reform (WGSR) and stated that RAs will be invited to provide feedback on proposed changes.

According to the current rules, the adoption and amendment of RA rules should be decided by the alliances themselves, requiring a three-quarters (3/4) majority of participating National Committees present at the meeting, provided that at least one-third (1/3) of participants in the alliance are present.

Ericani also pointed out the challenges arising from RAs’ lack of legal status, a difficulty that became evident during the current meeting, as ICOM Europe had to rely on ICOM France to finalize the agreement for the meeting venue rental.

Role of Regional Alliances:
Ericani further explained that RAs are established to promote dialogue and facilitate the sharing of information among National Committees, museums, and museum professionals within a specific region. The responsibilities of RAs include fostering cooperation, providing mutual assistance, and exchanging information among participants. Their duties specifically include:

  • Serving as a forum for the exchange of information between National Committees
  • Contributing to the realization of ICOM’s Strategic Plan
  • Promoting ICOM’s interests within their respective regions
  • Organizing meetings and producing publications deemed necessary to support these objectives.


  • The debate opened with Alexandre Chevalier, a member of the ICOM Europe board and vice-chair of WGSR, elaborating on the ongoing work within the working group.
  • Juliette Raoul-Duval expressed disappointment that ICOM Europe’s request to appoint a spokesperson for the RAs within the Advisory was not accepted. She also mentioned the issue raised at the General Assembly (GA) earlier that day regarding the invitations to the preparatory meeting in Dubai next November. Despite the request, RAs were not included in the invitations.
  • Alenka Černelič Krošelj highlighted the support ICOM SEE provides to all National Committees in the Balkan region, as well as the alliance’s active presence whenever requested by NCs.
  • Eero Ehanti confirmed the supportive role of ICOM NORD in relation to its NCs, echoing the sentiments shared by ICOM SEE.
  • Jean-Paul Koudougou emphasized the new role of ICOM Africa in growing African committees and supporting them during their development and training phases.
  • Laishun AN recapped the establishment of the International Museum Research and Exchange Centre (IMREC), noting that it was created as the voice of the RAs. He acknowledged the challenges posed by the pandemic and emphasized the need to revitalize the center, ensuring that it aligns with the needs of the RAs.

All participants agreed to request the inclusion of at least one RA representative at the preparatory meeting in Dubai, which will be communicated in the next meeting with the ICOM Chair on July 1st.

In relation to the WGSR’s work, the participants agreed to prepare a survey for National Committees to review the role of the RAs, redefine their tasks, and explore their potential. ICOM Europe’s chair will draft the survey model for approval by all alliances.

The meeting concluded at 7:15 p.m.
