

International Council of Museums Europe Alliance

All news

April 21, 2023

ICOM Europe 2nd Plenary meeting Network

On 21st April 2023 ICOM Europe held 2nd plenary meeting, where presented brief reports on and discussed the followings:

  • International Museum Day 2023 – new initiative and its progress
  • Meeting with the Catherine Magnant, Head of Cultural Policy department of European Commission and with ESCITE
  • Relations with Ukrainian colleagues: update on the zoom meeting on 6 March
  • SAREC: rejection of the ICOM Portugal project, a partnership project with ICOM Europe
  • SAREC: Approval of the ICOM Greece project, a partnership project with ICOM Europe
  • Progress of ICOM Europe annual meeting in Lathi, Finland (November 2023)
  • Meeting of the RAs: requests from the President, role of the RAs
  • Involvement of the President of ICOM Europe in the JPI Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change
  • Request to ICOM Europe to participate in the setting up of a European consortium in responding to the call for projects launched by the European Commission for the creation of a European collaborative cloud for cultural heritage.

Plenary meeting was concluded by the Round table with the participating members and discussion of their actions.
