September 29, 2023
ICOM Europe & ETHCOM Online Meeting – October 16, 2023 Network

Dear Members of ICOM Europe,
Dear Colleagues,
In light of the recent revision of the museum definition, ICOM’s Code of Ethics is currently undergoing a comprehensive review and rewrite. These represent pivotal phases in our organization’s journey and signify significant shifts in our priorities and terminology. A consultation process has been initiated, and we are delighted to acknowledge the active participation of numerous members. Furthermore, several national committees have already organized, or are in the process of organizing, consultations with their respective members.
As we approach the culmination of this process, scheduled for October 31, we extend an invitation for you to join us in an online meeting. The purpose is to deliberate on this matter and endeavor to consolidate the European perspective.
October 16, 2023, 2 – 4 pm (Paris time)
Meeting-ID: 832 9128 4835
Kenncode: 347288
- Sally Yerkovich, Head of the Revision of the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums, and Chedlia Annabi, member of the working group, will provide an overview of the revision’s objectives and its current status.
- The chairs of the ICOM Europe – National Committees Alliance, who have conducted consultations with their respective members, will share insights from their experiences.
- A group discussion will be facilitated among all participants, and the proceedings will be recorded and documented.
We kindly request all Presidents of ICOM National Committees and ICOM Europe members to inform us if they wish to participate as speakers.
ICOM Europe Regional Alliance