

International Council of Museums Europe Alliance

All news

January 27, 2023

ICOM Europe Plenary meeting – Chair’s word

Dear chairs of National Committees, dear ICOM Europe’s representatives,

First of all, I would like to wish you, on behalf of the entire ICOM Europe Board, a very happy new year 2023.
To start this year, we planned an online meeting on 27 January from 12 noon to 2 pm (the link to join is sent to you).
We would like to schedule regular meetings with you every two months, according to the calendar that we will set together at our first meeting on 27 January.
The main objective is to organize a fruitful exchange between Alliance members of ICOM European committees, to share our projects and encourage cooperation and above all to reflect together on the place of Europe in ICOM and the place of the Alliances in our organization. We met with ICOM president Emma Nardi on 23rd January, A report of the meeting will be presented at our meeting. Emma Nardi wishes to give weight to the Regional Alliances and has already proposed regular working sessions between Regional Alliances. This is very positive.
During the first online meeting, we will present a quick assessment of the 2022 actions, a status of our 2023 projects and – with you – we will be able to identify actions that can be effectively coordinated with ICOM Europe.
A second point on the agenda will be devoted to identifying together the transversal themes that ICOM Europe would like to stimulate: the evolution of the professions and the professionalization of museums, the challenge of sustainable development, relations with European cultural organisations… and, of course, support for our colleagues in Ukraine.
We will have a round table discussion and then draw up a guideline for our future links.
I hope that many of you will participate, so do not hesitate to communicate this information to your representatives in ICOM Europe.
Yours sincerely

Juliette Raoul-Duval
ICOM Europe Chair


  • Presentation of ICOM Europe and board members (2022 – 2025)
  • Actions 2022; Projects 2023
  • Support to museums in Ukraine
  • Place of the Alliances within ICOM: Report on the exchanges with Emma Nardi, ICOM President


  • How to act together?
  • Debates on themes of common European interest: sustainable development, Europe’s place within ICOM, what it means to be a museum professional today?
  • Supporting, amplifying and enhancing the projects of national committees

1:15 – Round table discussion with the members present, presentation of their projects.
1:45 – Other issues.
